A grievance is any matter of concern over which the Anchorage Senior Activity Center has complete or partial jurisdiction, if neither statute nor State of Alaska or Municipality of Anchorage regulations provide an alternate means of resolution (i.e. separate appeals procedure).
Any member or employee of ASAC who believes conditions exist or decisions have been made that are unsafe, undignified, unnecessarily intrusive or that have failed to provide appropriate confidentiality or privacy may petition the Board of Directors requesting that such conditions, procedures or decisions be corrected or altered, of for other ameliorative action they may deem appropriate.
The ASAC has the right to direct, hire, promote, transfer, assign and retain its employees. It may also determine the methods, means and personnel by which the efficiency of Center operations is maintained. While a member or employee may not submit a grievance challenging the above rights, he or she may submit a grievance concerning the manner of their administration, insofar as the exercise of these rights personally affects that individual.
Formally adopted policies are not subject to the grievance procedure except as to violation, misapplication or misinterpretation of the policy. If, as a member of ASAC, you think you have been wronged, what recourses are open to you?
Step 1: Have a frank discussion of your concerns with the party or persons involved.
Step 2: Appeal to the individual's supervisor if it is a case involving paid staff.
Step 3: Appeal to the Executive Director.
Step 4: Schedule a personal appearance before the Executive Board if it is a case involving Board policies.
The aim of-both the aggrieved member and the Senior Center is to resolve the matter and resume peaceful status as soon as possible. Very frequently problems can be resolved a: Step 1 or Step 2 stages The official grievance process is lengthier and, therefore, considered a court of last resort.
If you follow the above steps and still want to file a formal grievance, you can find the process for filing it in the Standing Rules of the ASAC Bylaws, Policy and Procedures Documents, available in the Administrative Office. There is a simple form to fill out, asking the details of the complaint, the situation of the alleged wrong, the names of individuals with knowledge of the complaint (if, any) and how to get in touch with them, and your signature. The grievance will be reviewed by a grievance committee consisting of members of the Center's Board of Directors and/or appointees of the Board whose responsibility it is to determine its validity. If the committee determines the grievance is valid, it writes its recommendations and submits them to the Executive Board for their action.
The Board meets once a month. If your grievance is on the agenda, it will be taken under consideration that month and, depending on the case, it may take weeks before you are notified of their action.
Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday | Closed
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